Demo: Online Payment Of Electricity Bills In Nagaland

This video is a short demonstration on online payment of electricity bills in Nagaland. Department of Power, Government of Nagaland has introduced an online system for payment of electricity bills, which as of May 2017 is applicable for consumers only in Kohima, Chumukedima and Dimapur. Such online Government Services are very convenient to citizens as citizen do not have to wait in long queues to pay bills. Also it saves times and one can easily pay utility bills sitting in the comfort of their homes.

If you have not yet tried and made use of the online electricity bill payment facility in Nagaland, do check out the following short demonstration video. If your already have, you may ignore, but do kindly share it to others who may not have tried this online service yet.


This video was made just for demonstration purposes for anyone interested to know how to pay electricity bills online. I am not affiliated to the department in any other way. 

Steps to pay online electricity bills in Nagaland:

1. Go to the Department of Power Nagaland website
  • The website URL for the Department of Power Nagaland is - You can type the address in any browser on your smartphone, laptop or desktop computer.
  • You can also find the website by Googling "Department of power Nagaland"
2. Know your new consumer ID for online payment 
  • The old electricity bills have "Consumer No." but a new number called "Consumer ID" is being used for online payments which you need to know.
  • On the frontpage or homepage of the Department of Power website, scroll down and click on "Know your consumer ID"
  • Then in the new page that opens, enter the old "Consumer No" and click next to find the new "Consumer ID". Note down the new consumer ID.
3. View your bills
  •  There is a link provided on the website from where you can find the past 6 months bills which you can view by entering your new consumer ID.
  • You can download the PDF of the bills from the links provided.
  • Check out and verify the billed amount.
4. Pay your electricity bill
  • There is a link provided to pay your bill. You need to provide the new "Consumer ID" to contiunue.
  • Select the payment methods -Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Card PIN or by Netbanking.
  • Select your bank and proceed with the payment. You will be redirected to the selected bank's payment gateway. For those who have done online shopping, the process will be very familiar.
  • If the payment is successful, you are redirected to the Dept. of power website and a status message is displayed.
  • Save or print the successful page with the payment transaction ID for future reference.

You may share it with your friends and family members who may not have tried this online electricity bill payment yet. It is very convenient.

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Link to Department of Power, Nagaland website: 

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This video is posted on YouTube Channel, Click Here - TiyiWoro.


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